יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף

יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף

אין דעם הייליקן ווידעא, דער גרויס געהעכטער יערמיה דאַמען און זיין געוואַלדיקער זון משה דאַמען, ביידע שטאַרק געהרעדט און באַקאַנטע זינגער אין דער חסידישער וועלט, נעמען אָן אַ זכּרונותדיקע פּיל

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersIn the peaceful silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man engages in heartfelt prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker, known as Tzvi Hersh Friedman, reflecting his profound spiritual connection. From the depths of sincere devotion, he asks for the miracle of love, hope and healing for the whole community.Bowing with deep respect at the

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

The Jewish Cemetery of Liska, nestled in Olaszliszka, Hungary, is renowned for its profound historical and spiritual significance, offering a poignant connection to the Jewish community's past and its Hasidic traditions. The cemetery, frequently identified as "Liska," plays a vital role in Jewish history, notably influencing the Hasidic movement a

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

Located in Olaszliszka, Hungary, the Jewish Cemetery of Liska holds significant historical and spiritual value, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of Jewish traditions in the region. The Jewish Cemetery of Liska, located in the village of Olaszliszka in Hungary, is a site of profound historical and spiritual significance. Historical Ba

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

The Jewish Cemetery of Liska, situated in the village of Olaszliszka in Hungary, is a site of profound historical and spiritual importance, reflecting the rich heritage of the Hasidic movement. The cemetery, referred to as "Liska," holds an esteemed place in Jewish historical narrative, particularly significant in the realm of Hasidic traditions.

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